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Israels Muskeljuden
Der "Freundeskreis für Re´ut/sadaka e.V." zum "Fightclub Israel"


... von Lothan Raz.

----- Original Message -----
From: lotahn raz
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 5:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Fw: Questions from Ahlen]

hi dietmar,

I had email problems, sorry, I couldn´t get back to you sooner, and I look forward very much to seeing you tommorow and talking to your class, I have some ideas about things i would like to try out with them, i think it will be important. I will try to answer your questions shortly, and I hope it will be still helpful.

I had parents that respected me and give me room to think, and also I got a chance to cry, I tihnk this is most important. I will explain this more tommorow. but this is where the key is held, I believe, to living together. our feelings are possible to work out, we are not trapped or victims of the way we have been manipulated or have been made to feel. We will need to organize a way,

a) that people live well, and
b) that people get a chance to tell and show how they have been hurt in this process.

This will allow poeple the oppertunity to show how they feel, and heel fromhow they have been hurt. such a thing will be essential and will go a long way in allowing change to happen and in maknig real change happen on the ground. I will talk some about my listening project and work withp oeple on the streets and with soldiers as well.

I know some palestinians, not a lot. and mostly the things I know come from being around in the left enough that I can have access to this information and that I can read it and choose to see it and understand it. This most poeple don´t have access too and mostly it is very hard for them to look at what is really gonig on, because it is hard to hear that your people are oding wrong,especially when you feel like your fighting for your life.

Thanks for all the work you are putting into this, and it is really exciting for me to be gonig to be there tommorow.

see you soon,


Freundeskreis für Re´ut/Sadaka e.V.

Viereck People Viereck