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Israels Muskeljuden
Der "Freundeskreis für Re´ut/sadaka e.V." zum "Fightclub Israel"

Illegale Kriegsdienstverweigerer

Israelische Antikriegsgruppen gegen ein militarisiertes Muskeljudentum

From: lotahn raz
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 12:32 AM
Subject: hi from israel

hi, it was great to get your message, I am mvery much looknig fowrard to visitng you in a few days. I fly to Germany in a few hours, and am getting excited, but soon I will get some sleep , so we will communicate a few times by email befoer I get to you.

I am glad that you seem involved and knowledgale in the conflict and the issues. first thing I would love to know from you is what you would like me to talk about in your school? what would be the most imporatnt things that I should adress when I am there? What will be the things that most interest people?

i think it will be useful for people to talk some about what they have learnt about armies and fighting, If they could talk before I come over about their stories of germany's army, about thinking if they want to serve or not, about being scared of weapons, and wars etc.. their first memoires at all connected to wars. if you do such questions and disscussions with the students, I think it will be very useful and helpful to the things that I will be trying to do and think about when I come.

I think the main issue for Israel today is to stop the war and to bring about hope. People in Israel are scared, and they are scared, because what is happening today reminds us of years of persecution, in spite of the fact that what is going on today is differnet than the sitautions we have been in as jews in the past. We today take on an oppressor role. but also we have been separated from our palestinian freinds, as human beings. I will try to talk about the real issue being unity between jews and palestininas. that we do not belong apart but that we belong together, and can live together. That it is the best interest of my people to build strong relationships and alliances with the palestinian poeple, and all people living in the region.

It would great if we could today demand to eliminate the army, but that isn't what we will be donig today. Toaday we are demanding to end the war, an more and more young people are refusing to take part in it.

I am attaching to articles I wrote in the last few days which include some of my thoughts. unfortunatly, they are not fully finished or edited yet, but I think they may be interesting to you. and maybe you can use them.

please keep in touch, and thanks for doing this. I look fowrard very much to meeting you soon.

all the best,



Freundeskreis für Re´ut/Sadaka e.V.

Viereck People Viereck