----- Original Message -----
From: Gymnasium St. Michael Ahlen
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 11:41 AM
Subject: Questions from Ahlen
Hi, Lothan!
Today in the morning we discussed your two papers, you sent to us by mail on Thursday 11th. We want to ask you these questions:
- How did you succeed in being not manipulated by the education for war?
- We think, that there is a contradiction between the hope for peace and the social training for war. What´s your idea about this problem?
- Do you have Palestinian friends, howelse do you know about the lies which are told about them?
- Do you believe, that Israelis and Palestinians can live together, that Palestinians can forget and forgive, waht Israelis have done to them, that the Israelis are able to eliminate their racist and fearful opinion about the Arabs?
We hope, it is not too much and we look forward to hear from you.
Dietmar Hecht
Kontakt: gsanktmich@freenet.de
Freundeskreis für Re´ut/Sadaka e.V.